Candy Smart Pro CSOW4963TWCBE Freestanding Washer Dryer, WiFi Connected, 9kg/ 6kg Load, 1400 spin, Sensor Dry, Black

All About Washing Machines & Tumble Dryers are thrilled to offer the marvellous Candy Smart Pro CSOW4963TWCBE Freestanding Washer Dryer, WiFi Connected, 9kg/ 6kg Load, 1400 spin, Sensor Dry, Black.

With a wealth of washing machine products available these days, it is great to have a manufacturer you can trust. this product is certainly that and will be a excellent present.

For this markdown price, the item comes generally respected and is always a popular choice among most of our customers. They have added some great touches and this equals good bargain price.

* This article was originally published here
